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Family Pizza
One of the best memories our family has is making pizza.
Everybody makes their own.
Do this however works for you.
- Big ones for grown ups, small ones for little kids. Works best if you have enough dough and ingredients for leftovers (somebody always eats all of theirs, but that is their choice - everybody gets enough for two meals in our house).
- Assemble the ingredients together - shredding cheese, chopping olives and peppers, cooking the beef or sausage, and getting all the other yummy stuff out is part of the work together time that goes with making pizza.
- Use homemade dough, or premade dough. You can use Digorno, or Freshetta pizzas and add more ingredients, or start from scratch.
- We always gave everyone the same ingredients. If they did not like some, they'd swap, or give away what they did not want.
Your pizzas can be ultra healthy, half quickfix, or somewhere in between. The only thing that is important is that everybody gets to customize theirs.
We did this most often on Sunday afternoons, when everyone was home, the day was lazy, and the activity was as important as the meal.
We love homemade pizza.
Nuthin' Better!
The information on this site is presented for informational purposes only, and consists of the opinions and experiences of the site authors. It is not to be construed as medical advice or to be used to diagnose or treat any illness. Seek the assistance of a medical professional in implementing any nutritional changes with the goal of treating any medical condition. The historical and nutritional information presented here can be verified by a simple web search.
I do what I do because I understand the science behind it, and I've researched worldwide sources to verify the safety of my practices to my own satisfaction. Please do your own research, and proceed AT YOUR OWN RISK.