Where is Weston A. Price's Traditional Fermented Cod Liver Oil?

Trick Question! With a very simple answer, and a potentially complicated explanation!

  • There is no such thing as "traditional fermented cod liver oil".
  • Weston A. Price never mentioned such a thing.
  • Weston A. Price DID mention supplementation for malnutrition, of "good quality" cod liver oil. He did not ever recommend the daily supplementation of cod liver oil to everyone regardless of health or need.
  • Weston A. Price defined "good quality" cod liver oil as that which was light colored and not rancid.
  • Weston A. Price condemned the practice of forcing children to take cod liver oil against their will.
  • Cod Liver oil cannot be "fermented", as it has insufficient fermentable ingredients in the livers, and none in the oil. Fermentation requires carbohydrates.
  • Aged Cod Liver oil, no matter HOW it is aged, will turn rancid. There is no known method of preserving Cod Liver oil during the extraction process if the process is a lengthy one. Any extraction process which takes more than a few weeks, will result in rancidity in the final product.
  • Animal based oils must be extracted by either heat, or solvents, or by a process of putrifaction (rotting them, creating an all but inedible end oil product). "Fermentation" is not an extraction method.

  • Examples given of island people hanging shark livers, inside shark stomachs, for months in the sun, to extract the oil, are not a "traditional example" of anything other than the extraction of MACHINE OIL (not for human consumption), by putrifaction and heat (black stomachs, hanging in hot sun). This process results in rancid oil.
  • Meat products are often cured, or brined, but this process has NEVER previously in history been referred to as "fermentation" (until the last 10 years when people like some at WAPF chose to redefine fermentation to fit their own agenda), and it does not involve lactic acid bacteria, or any of the other elements common to the actual modern definition of fermentation. These are not examples of oil fermentation, nor of meat fermentation for the purpose of oil extraction.
  • Cod Liver Oil turns rancid very quickly. It can be preserved a little longer through refrigeration, but it will turn rancid if it is more than a few months old. Cod Liver Oil claiming to be "Fermented" IS, therefore, rancid, since it is known to be many months old before it even gets to the customer, and the manufacturer claims that it does not need refrigeration and has a lengthy shelf-life. Claiming an oil is "fermented" instead of rancid, does not change the rancidity timeline, nor does it make the rancid oil somehow healthy.

GOOD Cod Liver Oil is light colored, has an oily fishy smell that is not overpowering, and requires refrigeration. It should be discarded if the smell becomes offensive, or if it smells rancid (stale, sharp, strong, pungent, etc).

Anyone who thinks that the advice and findings of Weston A Price have any validity at all, will run from any Cod Liver Oil claiming to be "fermented", and they will NOT force a child (or themselves) to take a product that is offensive.

 More information here:

Many other WAPF bloggers initially questioned the FCLO controversy (the blog posts all have a sort of "Oh, golly, I don't know WHAT to think!!" hand-wringing attitude to them), and then quoted WAPFs misleading and vague response to the issues, or quoted the completely useless replies of the company that makes FCLO (written like a true politician, to make you THINK the question has been answered when it really has not, or just repeating information that has already been proven to be a lie, in the hopes you'll believe it this time).

In the interest of NOT confusing you, and because I never promote someone who has blatantly incorrect info if I can help it, I have not listed them in the list above. You can find them easily enough on your own if you still want to be deceived.


The information on this site is presented for informational purposes only, and consists of the opinions and experiences of the site authors. It is not to be construed as medical advice or to be used to diagnose or treat any illness. Seek the assistance of a medical professional in implementing any nutritional changes with the goal of treating any medical condition. The historical and nutritional information presented here can be verified by a simple web search.

I do what I do because I understand the science behind it, and I've researched worldwide sources to verify the safety of my practices to my own satisfaction. Please do your own research, and proceed AT YOUR OWN RISK.



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