
Real Food Heritage

Real food means something different to every person who uses the term!

I've seen it used to refer to all kinds of dietary protocols, from mainstream, to really bizarre. So just because we say "Real Food" doesn't mean you have any idea what we are talking about!

This is OUR meaning of "Real Food". (You are welcome to have your own - everybody does anyway. But this is ours.)

  • We don't do gluten free.
  • We don't do Lactose or Dairy Free.
  • We don't do Paleo.
  • We don't do Fat Free.
  • We don't do Salt Free.
  • We don't do Vegetarian.
  • We don't do Vegan.
  • We don't do supplements except where a specific need exists.
  • We don't do processed foods where they can be avoided.

We don''t do those things because there is NO culture in the entire history of the world that has been able to survive on any of those regimens exclusively. They often provide a temporary benefit, but since they don't solve the problem they were intended to solve, the underlying problem continues to get worse. They are not a good choice for a universal healthy eating recommendation.

Equally important, what is not dietetically sustainable, is not agriculturally sustainable.

Good health IS agriculturally sustainable. Poor health is not.

We do naturally fed chemical free meats, including beef, pork, poultry, lamb, fish, and much more. (The "MUCH MORE" is really important!)

  • We do clean and naturally fed dairy, including butter, cheese, raw milk, cultured milk, and more.
  • We do whole grains of all kinds, freshly milled when applicable.
  • We do cleanly grown vegetables in a wide variety.
  • We do cleanly grown fruits in a great variety.
  • We cook as much of our own food as we practically can.
  • We grow some of our own crops and raise some of our own livestock.
  • We eat FRESH when possible, and are careful about how we preserve foods.
  • We use clean water that is either unchlorinated or filtered.

We do REAL Heritage Food, from REAL human history.

Real ingredients. Clean food. Clean water. Pastured Meats, Eggs, and Dairy. Integrated Agriculture, without Chemicals, and without Factory Farming.

Research and Studies

Real Food Heritage is owned and operated by Firelight Heritage Farm. We are dedicated to conducting objective research on real food and clean ag issues.

Our site visitors are welcome to participate in casual studies, by submitting anedotal information regarding the objects of current research or study as listed here. Submitted information will be correlated and used to determine the extent of formal study that is necessary to draw reasonable conclusions. Participation in more formal research projects and studies is also permitted, on our approval, and when our instructions are followed.


Current Research Projects

Ancestral Food Study - We are gathering information on the potential for changes in foods from modern foods, to their ancestral equivalents, and the effect of such change on health, especially with metabolic disorders, metabolic deficiencies, and mitochondrial damage or disorders. This includes such changes as white flour to whole wheat, whole wheat to spelt, chicken eggs to quail or duck eggs, commercial pork to home raised pork, corn fed to grass fed meats, etc. GLUTEN ISSUES ARE NOT RELEVANT TO THIS STUDY (Gluten was part of the ancestral diet). Those wishing to participate may submit anecdotal information via our Contact information on this website.

Clean Ag Research - We are conducting research regarding animal diets, and elimination of chlorine in animal diets. This involves a range of experiments involving fodder feeding, forage feeding, elimination of commercially blended feeds, filtering of livestock water (when municipal or other treated water is used), and feeding of animals on scraps and home surplus (practicality and sustainability issues based on household size). Those wishing to participate may indicate their specific area of interest, and Contact us for instructions.

Wild Mushrooms and Health Study - Can regular consumption of a variety of wild mushrooms result in positive health benefits? To participate in this study, you must be comfortable accessing wild mushrooms (either by forage, or by purchase, and they are costly to purchase), and in consuming a variety of them about twice per week. Individuals interested in participating may Contact us for instructions.

Wild Mushroom Cultivation Research - Our company is currently conducting experiments on cultivation of wild mushrooms in containment, and developing non-sterile growing techniques, in combination with development of organic methods for controlling insect infestations, and the development of natural and sustainable substrates which are not compiled from industrial waste.


As resources and time allow, we will be taking on more ambitious research, which will eventually include some lab research on microbes, chemical content of foods, and nutritional values. This kind of research is far more costly, and will be instigated when funding allows.

Advertise With Us

Targeted ad space. Growing exposure on our site. Prices that don't change frequently.

All ads on this site are SCREENED for family safety and must meet our no-scam policy.

  • Right or Left Sidebar, Top (above all side menus) - $20 per month
  • Right or Left Sidebar, Middle (one ad per space between menus or notices) - $15
     per month
  • Right or Left Sidebar, Bottom - $10 per month
  • Bottom of Content (two ads, side by side, or one wide half height banner) - $20 per month for top placement, $15 per month for secondary placement
  • Text Link Ad in Related Sites Box - $20 per month

Payment by PayPal Subscription. Please email us to inquire about available spots and to get ad size specs.

About Us

Owned and operated by Kevin and Laura Wheeler. Parents of eight children, Kevin and Laura homeschooled their children while operating their own home business.

Laura was diagnosed with Crohn's disease, and elected NOT to go with medical treatments. She changed her diet, and has healed through the adoption of a low toxin diet and life. She no longer has Crohn's disease.

They currently offer farm and cottage industry consulting services, and sell mushroom spawn and Fermenta Cap products.


The information on this site is presented for informational purposes only, and consists of the opinions and experiences of the site authors. It is not to be construed as medical advice or to be used to diagnose or treat any illness. Seek the assistance of a medical professional in implementing any nutritional changes with the goal of treating any medical condition. The historical and nutritional information presented here can be verified by a simple web search.

I do what I do because I understand the science behind it, and I've researched worldwide sources to verify the safety of my practices to my own satisfaction. Please do your own research, and proceed AT YOUR OWN RISK.



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